Sunday, December 19, 2010

Tips Towards Becoming a Better Student

Donia Magdy

I will talk about the real ways to success at school. Actually, it’s very important to talk about this topic. I think that all the students truly know these ways, although they don’t always follow them.

 You must study hard to succeed. You must do all the homework and listen carefully to the teacher. It’s very important to read the lesson after taking it, and also prepare for the lesson before-hand. If you don’t understand, you can ask your teacher. You shouldn’t lose time playing or something else. I know it’s important to take rest, but don’t lose your time. If you study for every lesson you take, it will be easy to succeed at any test or quiz.

In the end these are my ways to success at school. If you follow these rules you will succeed. I’m open to help anyone that wants to know the ways to succeed at school!!

Together We Can Make a Difference

Abd el Rahman Hesham

Together we can make a difference! What do you know about unity? Unity is many people joining together to achieve goals and benefits for all people. In other words, unity is you and your fellow man working together to be better. Unity is what gives people a voice in decisions and events that directly affect them or their societies. Unity is when people unite to solve major problems that they can’t solve on their own.
Who needs this unity? We are the ones who need this union. Look around you; do you like the way you live, the place you live in, or even your life style? You really want to change, but you can’t do it alone. You need all people on earth to change the world, but you must start with yourself. We can change the world far better than the past generations, due to the fact that we have more technology and information. The hope is in our children, they can change the world. Do you know why? It is rooted in the fact that they are born in an environment in which everything is available in front of them and easily accessible.
        Children are the future; they must be free and involved in the environment, so they can think of how they can change it for the better. You could imagine what children can do to change the world when they unite. They can invent devices that can be useful to people in many ways. For example, a fourteen year old boy is working on a device that causes a personal computer to know the mood of the user. Children can create projects to make the streets cleaner. A few Egyptian kids made a campaign called, “Keep Your Country Clean”. This project is meant to clean streets, plant trees, recycle, and paint walls. This will make their country cleaner.
 I talked about how kids can change the world by using technology and cleaning the environment, but the most important point is cleaning the mind. Cleaning minds comes from the media. The media is important, as everything television says affects all people, especially children. The point is to use media in the right way. That is something children can do to affect other children and make our generations and upcoming generations prosper. To be able to use media in the right way, children should create television channels, websites, and magazines by children and for children. They must make sure that they deliver the right message to other children. These TV channels should contain a variety of educational programing to keep children in touch with the world’s news in an interesting way. It should talk about every thing from politics to the animal world, in order to make sure that children are in touch with every thing. With these TV channels, children could even create programs that teach young children how to be better people and to change the world. When children watch these programs and know it is made by others their ages, it will affect them in a positive way.
        Creating a more peaceful and compassionate world continues to be the most significant challenge of humankind. The only people who can win at this challenge are children. Parents must know how to shape their child's mind and, with this, change the world. Simply, I believe that when we raise children who are resourceful, resilient, and compassionate, they will make a difference in the world that they will inherit. I believe, the best way to raise such children is to give them the love and guidance their minds require. Children truly are the future, so God bless our future through our children!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Joy of Christmas

Marwa Khaled

There are 12 months in a year, which isn't a short amount of time. During the year, we celebrate different holidays such as religious, national, and others. Everyone holds at least one of them close to their hearts. Mine is Christmas. Surprised?

Though I am not a Christian myself, nor do I know much about the traditions, celebrations, or morals of their religion, I still find Christmas time quite interesting. I am quite fond of Christmas for a few reasons. These reasons may seem superficial, or shallow, but it's just my opinion.
First, during the season, some nice Christmas-themed songs are released. Though I don't listen to them much, these songs give the season a special atmosphere. Second, Christmas movies are aired on television. Luckily, some are comedies which I enjoy the most.  The third reason is the decorations. I love Christmas ornaments; the ones that are hung on trees, are so pretty! I have one, a blue ball, that I keep on my wall. Although I do not care much for the trees, I adore the ornaments and lights. The fourth and most important reason is Winter Break. It happens to be one of the longest vacations we get during the school year. Fortunately, it's long enough for me to listen to music, watch Christmas movies, and play with the ornaments all I want.
Even if it's only a day, any holiday still leaves a joyful memory in our hearts and minds. Though some of them are for certain countries or a specific religion, we can still celebrate them together! Spread the joy! I'm sure celebrating a holiday that isn't yours would be a fun experience.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Children Are the Hope of the Future

Mariam Khaled

Hope! What is hope? Children are the hope of the future. They are the blooms of our gardens. They are even the sun that warms our winter. What is my value without my child? What am I going to do with my money other than saving for my child's future? What I want to say is your children are the pleasure of your life.

Children! To have children, you have to systematize for it. Organization, that's what you need to have. You can't just have a child and you don't have the ability to sponsor his education, taking care for his health, or even to get him food. Then, instead of having a wonderful life watching them grow in happiness, you will find that they are suffering from horrible diseases and they might pass away. It would be a horrible life. If you want to avoid that, you should save money for them. Yet you have to have a place so that your family can live.

Who said the place to live was the only thing important for our children in the future? Maybe in the future they won't have any natural resources, especially the nonrenewable ones! You are the one who should start to conserve nonrenewable resources. By the time, perhaps because of the people's carelessness, the nonrenewable resources will just disappear, as once they are burned, they are gone! As a result, they won't enjoy the things that we have now, who knows?

A wise man is the one who gets proper benefit of what's in hand. In addition, he is the one who can change trash into treasure. This is where my advice is born. We have to encourage the proper use of our resources and the conservation of our treasures to help the new coming generations. Moreover, we should not be so selfish and short sighted. We should not use up all what we have. On the contrary, we should encourage technology and scientists to think of the best way of recycling and conserving what's in hand.

What kind of weather am I ?

Salma Sherif Mostafa

When you think of weather, you picture the sky. How about picturing yourself, rather than the sky, as if you were the weather? I combined all my characteristics and made a poll with my family about what weather expresses my personality the best. Everyone voted for sunshine. At first I wasn't convinced with the idea, but when they told me the reasons, I liked being sunshine.

Sunshine, my mother told me, is because I am very helpful and kind. "You have a warm, kind heart", added my Aunt. Personally, I think I'm most likely to be sunshine, because I always want to find bright solutions to end problems. I don't like to see anyone sad; everyone should at least smile or think in a positive way. My mother told me, "you are the positive energy in this house. You are the one who gives us the push to become more satisfied with our lives".

In my way of thinking, without any voting, I'm more likely to be fog or mist. I think it's because you have to go through me to unlock who I really am. It's a mystery, just like when it's really foggy, and you can't see anything until you go through it. So, basically I'm very mysterious and secretive. 

I hope that everyone thinks of that question, and realizes what they really are; it'll help in one way or another.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

What is writing, and why should we do it?

What is writing, and why should we do it? Through-out this term and the rest of the year, we will be engaged in various writing assignments. There are two ways to approach this. The first is with the idea that it will be very difficult, or even boring. The second, and better way, is with the mindset that writing can be much more than you ever imagined.

When I was about your age, I absolutely loved writing in my journal. Writing in a journal helped me to make my thoughts and ideas clear. It was a way for me to express myself. Having a certain topic to write about wasn't necessary; I wrote whatever thoughts came to mind.

What can writing do for you? Writing can give you power. As a young person, it is normal to have many thoughts and ideas, and not know what to do with them all. The first step is to know that you are more than just a kid. You are an individual. That means that you are special. You have your own voice, and writing will send your voice through-out the world.

In class, I remind you about the amazing time you are living in now. You live in the Internet Age, but how should you use this? Of course you use it to communicate with your friends and make posts, but when you do, are you really expressing yourself? Do you ever mention the interesting thoughts and ideas that pop into your head? Your words are power. You can move mountains with your words. This blog, I hope, will give you a chance to truly express yourself.

Through-out the rest of this school year, we will use words. Our words will become an artful expression of ideas. Let us begin to look at writing in a totally different way. Let us begin to write from our hearts and move mountains with our words.

"Mr. JB"

8th Grade


Here you are 8th grade.


Hard at work.


7B and 6B


Well here are some pictures of seventh and sixth grade. It took a while to get these pictures, but here they are.


7th Grade

7th Grade

6th Grade


6th Grade


Okay, okay, okay Omar. Here; I put the one with the car on the blog.
I hope you're very happy now.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Pharonic Village


Here are a few pictures from our trip to the Pharonic Village.



Before everyone started getting bored from waiting in homeroom.





I didn't know Ronald Mcdonald was in Egypt. It was good to see you Ronald.


Are you sleeping, Maha?



No standing allowed.



Well... the line was straight. Thanks Mohamed.



A lot of energy for so early in the morning.



Happy to be out of uniform.

Did you guys enjoy your trip? Well, it looked like you did. I know I did.
See you in class! :)




Saturday, December 4, 2010

Your Zone

I promised you guys that I would put the pictures on the blog, so here they are.

Welcome all students to the beginning of "Your Zone". This blog is meant to showcase your written work and serve as a way to connect with your fellow students.
I will explain "Your Zone" in more detail during the next week. See you soon!