Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Joy of Christmas

Marwa Khaled

There are 12 months in a year, which isn't a short amount of time. During the year, we celebrate different holidays such as religious, national, and others. Everyone holds at least one of them close to their hearts. Mine is Christmas. Surprised?

Though I am not a Christian myself, nor do I know much about the traditions, celebrations, or morals of their religion, I still find Christmas time quite interesting. I am quite fond of Christmas for a few reasons. These reasons may seem superficial, or shallow, but it's just my opinion.
First, during the season, some nice Christmas-themed songs are released. Though I don't listen to them much, these songs give the season a special atmosphere. Second, Christmas movies are aired on television. Luckily, some are comedies which I enjoy the most.  The third reason is the decorations. I love Christmas ornaments; the ones that are hung on trees, are so pretty! I have one, a blue ball, that I keep on my wall. Although I do not care much for the trees, I adore the ornaments and lights. The fourth and most important reason is Winter Break. It happens to be one of the longest vacations we get during the school year. Fortunately, it's long enough for me to listen to music, watch Christmas movies, and play with the ornaments all I want.
Even if it's only a day, any holiday still leaves a joyful memory in our hearts and minds. Though some of them are for certain countries or a specific religion, we can still celebrate them together! Spread the joy! I'm sure celebrating a holiday that isn't yours would be a fun experience.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Children Are the Hope of the Future

Mariam Khaled

Hope! What is hope? Children are the hope of the future. They are the blooms of our gardens. They are even the sun that warms our winter. What is my value without my child? What am I going to do with my money other than saving for my child's future? What I want to say is your children are the pleasure of your life.

Children! To have children, you have to systematize for it. Organization, that's what you need to have. You can't just have a child and you don't have the ability to sponsor his education, taking care for his health, or even to get him food. Then, instead of having a wonderful life watching them grow in happiness, you will find that they are suffering from horrible diseases and they might pass away. It would be a horrible life. If you want to avoid that, you should save money for them. Yet you have to have a place so that your family can live.

Who said the place to live was the only thing important for our children in the future? Maybe in the future they won't have any natural resources, especially the nonrenewable ones! You are the one who should start to conserve nonrenewable resources. By the time, perhaps because of the people's carelessness, the nonrenewable resources will just disappear, as once they are burned, they are gone! As a result, they won't enjoy the things that we have now, who knows?

A wise man is the one who gets proper benefit of what's in hand. In addition, he is the one who can change trash into treasure. This is where my advice is born. We have to encourage the proper use of our resources and the conservation of our treasures to help the new coming generations. Moreover, we should not be so selfish and short sighted. We should not use up all what we have. On the contrary, we should encourage technology and scientists to think of the best way of recycling and conserving what's in hand.

What kind of weather am I ?

Salma Sherif Mostafa

When you think of weather, you picture the sky. How about picturing yourself, rather than the sky, as if you were the weather? I combined all my characteristics and made a poll with my family about what weather expresses my personality the best. Everyone voted for sunshine. At first I wasn't convinced with the idea, but when they told me the reasons, I liked being sunshine.

Sunshine, my mother told me, is because I am very helpful and kind. "You have a warm, kind heart", added my Aunt. Personally, I think I'm most likely to be sunshine, because I always want to find bright solutions to end problems. I don't like to see anyone sad; everyone should at least smile or think in a positive way. My mother told me, "you are the positive energy in this house. You are the one who gives us the push to become more satisfied with our lives".

In my way of thinking, without any voting, I'm more likely to be fog or mist. I think it's because you have to go through me to unlock who I really am. It's a mystery, just like when it's really foggy, and you can't see anything until you go through it. So, basically I'm very mysterious and secretive. 

I hope that everyone thinks of that question, and realizes what they really are; it'll help in one way or another.