Sunday, December 19, 2010

Tips Towards Becoming a Better Student

Donia Magdy

I will talk about the real ways to success at school. Actually, it’s very important to talk about this topic. I think that all the students truly know these ways, although they don’t always follow them.

 You must study hard to succeed. You must do all the homework and listen carefully to the teacher. It’s very important to read the lesson after taking it, and also prepare for the lesson before-hand. If you don’t understand, you can ask your teacher. You shouldn’t lose time playing or something else. I know it’s important to take rest, but don’t lose your time. If you study for every lesson you take, it will be easy to succeed at any test or quiz.

In the end these are my ways to success at school. If you follow these rules you will succeed. I’m open to help anyone that wants to know the ways to succeed at school!!

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