Thursday, December 9, 2010

What is writing, and why should we do it?

What is writing, and why should we do it? Through-out this term and the rest of the year, we will be engaged in various writing assignments. There are two ways to approach this. The first is with the idea that it will be very difficult, or even boring. The second, and better way, is with the mindset that writing can be much more than you ever imagined.

When I was about your age, I absolutely loved writing in my journal. Writing in a journal helped me to make my thoughts and ideas clear. It was a way for me to express myself. Having a certain topic to write about wasn't necessary; I wrote whatever thoughts came to mind.

What can writing do for you? Writing can give you power. As a young person, it is normal to have many thoughts and ideas, and not know what to do with them all. The first step is to know that you are more than just a kid. You are an individual. That means that you are special. You have your own voice, and writing will send your voice through-out the world.

In class, I remind you about the amazing time you are living in now. You live in the Internet Age, but how should you use this? Of course you use it to communicate with your friends and make posts, but when you do, are you really expressing yourself? Do you ever mention the interesting thoughts and ideas that pop into your head? Your words are power. You can move mountains with your words. This blog, I hope, will give you a chance to truly express yourself.

Through-out the rest of this school year, we will use words. Our words will become an artful expression of ideas. Let us begin to look at writing in a totally different way. Let us begin to write from our hearts and move mountains with our words.

"Mr. JB"

8th Grade


Here you are 8th grade.


Hard at work.


7B and 6B


Well here are some pictures of seventh and sixth grade. It took a while to get these pictures, but here they are.


7th Grade

7th Grade

6th Grade


6th Grade


Okay, okay, okay Omar. Here; I put the one with the car on the blog.
I hope you're very happy now.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Pharonic Village


Here are a few pictures from our trip to the Pharonic Village.



Before everyone started getting bored from waiting in homeroom.





I didn't know Ronald Mcdonald was in Egypt. It was good to see you Ronald.


Are you sleeping, Maha?



No standing allowed.



Well... the line was straight. Thanks Mohamed.



A lot of energy for so early in the morning.



Happy to be out of uniform.

Did you guys enjoy your trip? Well, it looked like you did. I know I did.
See you in class! :)