Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Education and Career Choices

2nd time “Your Zone” journalist: Mariam Khalid 8G

" I asked Mariam to write a few  paragraphs about education and her career choice for the future. I gave her about 15 minutes and here's what she wrote."

The career we choose for our life is really important. In addition to this, it will decide our future. When I was young, I always heard that education is necessary to learn about things in our life. I used to say that it wasn’t that important, but I regret what I used to say after I started to think about it.

Now, the question is, “Can I really find a suitable career for myself in the future?” I asked myself this question many times, but I never really found an answer. There are many choices, and I’m extremely confused; I always get worried that if I choose a certain career, it may not be suitable for me, and I might have problems with the job in the approaching years. I hope I can actually choose one!

So, I sat and kept thinking about a good career for myself; finally, I chose one. I’m considering a career as a doctor. I see people suffering from horrible diseases, so I sympathize with them; I really feel bad for these individuals. In my opinion, being a doctor is the best job for helping people that are having critical problems. I would love to see people happy when they don’t suffer from pain anymore. Having to wait in order to help these people is a test to my patience.

In the meantime, I will focus on studying in order to perfect this career choice. I would like to be perfect, but I know that no one truly is. In the end, I know that if I try my best and remain focused, I will achieve something close to perfection. 

"An educational system isn't worth a great deal if it teaches young people how to make a living but doesn't teach them how to make a life." 
-- Source Unknown

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Article Zone: Stop War and Begin Peace

Grade 6 Journalists,(From left to right beginning at the back) Farida Sherif, Mohamed Mohsen, Maha Khaled, Malak Khaled, and Amina Medhat

Amina Medhat

As you see, there are many wars in the world. Every day, in the world, we see people being killed or other bad, awful things. Human beings hate each other without any real reasons.  We need to make world peace. Violence is not the solution to everything; it’s not even a solution. I see violence, killing, and hate, but the world would be a better place, if people and countries cooperated with each other.

Mohamed Mohsen
What are your ways to bring peace to the world? My ways to bring peace and live in a great and new world are simple. For starters, we must ask ourselves, “Why do we hate each other?” Why do we wish to be the only ones that are knowledgeable? We really can stop all the wars in the countries like: Iraq, Afghanistan, and Palestine. Help the world break free from war and violence. The world needs help, and you are the ones to help it, so help it.

Farida Sherif
There are many wars being fought around the globe, as you may have noticed. Even as we speak, there are several wars being fought. So many people die, and so many homes are destroyed. That is why people must think of ways to stop wars and start world peace. For example, the countries can start working with each other, instead of against each other. Wouldn’t that be amazing? It is my belief that it would be much better. I believe the world would be a better place.

Maha Khaled Amr
There are a lot of wars around the world. Wars are very dangerous. If there is a war in one part of the world it affects the entire world. If Egypt is polluted than it affects other countries. People fight around the world for foolish reasons. If everyone solved their problems diplomatically, than there would be no war.  When two countries have a problem, they should speak, not fight. By following this, the world would live in peace.

Malak Khalid
A part of world peace is justice. When justice appears anywhere it should appear everywhere.  The citizens of the world should stand up, and stand against the wars being fought around the world. People should stand against violence. It was a great idea to put a cartoon picture on our Facebook profiles to stand against violence towards children. I did it because I am extremely against violence. We must not forget to put love in our hearts, so peace will appear in the world.

" Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal."
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas Party

What would Your Zone be without these amazing pictures?

Merry Christmas !!!!!